Monday, July 1, 2013

It's the end of the world as we know it. Really, it is. Oh... you're okay with that? I should've guessed.

Woo actually posting something for once. You never expected this now did you, hmm?

It's been about 3 years since my last post. A lot of shit has changed. I'm a miserable bastard now... well. Moreso than I was before. And perhaps it's that new outlook through not so rosy glasses that makes me look at America with a slight amount of confusion, if not the entire world.

Since again, I haven't written anything in 3 years, I'd like to cover a multitude of topics that really make me wonder if there's something in the drinking water.

What the hell is wrong with society as we know it?

Let's cover America from an earlier standpoint. 1770's. Opressed by the British, we banded together in order to earn our freedom. We defended it in 1812. We fought as a country devided for our ideals during the civil war. And even those who didn't have their asses on the front lines were doing something either behind the scenes or to help in anyway they could.

Flashforward, America. 2013. I'm fairly sure we've gone full potato.

Let's look first, at the media. I mean, shit, why not. I'm sure most people who have read this far and don't think I'm a raging asshole or commie know where I'm going with this.

What constitutes news? To me? It's anything that effects life as we know it. Crime, business/economy, weather, etc. Anything I need to know to stay informed in what effects me in the immediate world around me.

I cannot stress this enough. I do not give a flying squirrel screw about what Hollywood is doing, what celebrities are doing. Whether it's sports, movies, TV, etc. If it's a story about charity or someone making a difference? Sure, I'm all for that. Amanda Bynes getting her 32nd DYI in 31st days? No. That is not news. That's feeding an animal of attention these people need. I'd just call it a personality disorder, but that's me. I'm fine with movies, TV, etc. Don't get me wrong. I love TV. I watch late night talk shows. But I don't need to know what someone is doing every hour of their lives. I already know people on Facebook who update me that much, and that gets tiring. Keep in mind, I LIKE those people! (Well... in cases. But the facebook post if for another night.)

So, we've covered media bullshit #1. That crap. #2. Paula Dean has made some questionable choices in how she's referred to our darker brethren of the world. 26 years ago. First off, let's review my first part. I already don't care. Why do I highlight this? It's 26 YEARS ago. Now I REALLY don't give a fuck about it. Why? Why is it because someone is a celebrity that their entire life is thrown under a microscope? If someone has the talent they need to be able to be this popular, they're obviously doing something right. NONE of us have a clean past. I got a call from the cops when I was 18 about some stupid things I did. Gee, I better worry about that if I was popular 25 years later that because I was a schmuck in my teenage years I should catch scrutiny from people who DIDN'T EVEN KNOW I EXISTED WHEN IT HAPPENED. May not have even been BORN yet. Please tell me I'm not the only person who finds this slightly more nutso than a Skippy Factory. (Smooth and creamy, please.)

That's my media screaming for now. Next up... politics, because to me these issues relate only for the simple fact that as a society, we've got the blinders on like Ray Charles. (Shout-out to Ray, kick ass music man. We miss you.)

November, 2012. Election, done. Over with. Obama wins, Mittens lost. Shit storm ensues of people complaining, "Ohhh, 4 more years of nothing happening. No change."

I refer back to 1776. It's nearly worse than that for how sheep-like we've become. If this same generation(s) went back then, we'd probably still be drinking a spot of tea half past 2. I'm not saying we need to overthrow this government, I say we need to stop BLAMING it. Jesus Christ people, you look at the tool to changing the world EVERY goddamn morning. And if one more person tells me they're not enough to fix the problems they see I will slap them in the face. The revolution was a grass roots movement of likeminded people that eveytually led to the change of an entire nation. Actually, the CREATION of one! Nifty, innit?

Yes, things are different now. But I once again say. Please stop looking to Washington to answer all of your problems. It's like staring into the sun, it gets painful quickly. For the economy, for things that could help a community. Why can't a township of people band together? Or a city? Hell, maybe neighbors? We've done it here, with neighbors getting together to help shovel out cars every winter. See a theme? Common problem, people work together to resolve it with a solution. The same logic can be applied. And we had the beginnings of it. Even in my home city of Phila-la-la-la. (Say that three times fast internet)

The 99% movement... Horray! People getting together about a common problem! ...Oh, they're just sick of rich people? And they're protesting? Well.. fuck. So much for that. Okay. Want to know how the 99% movement should have been used in my eyes? Convention of networking your ass off, by city or by state, however they set it up. Protesting a company does absolutely nothing to help anyone. (And I'd like you to look at everything you own for either clothes, electronics, etc... go ahead, I'll wait until you tell me you bought an i7 laptop made by your local mom and pop store.) But, I digress from the silliness. Why couldn't we use this to help these people create business? Help their communities, create jobs, and actually give it a personal feel so you're not just working for a borg that's headquartered 5,000,000 miles away and only cares enough to know your name when it goes on the check at the end of every week.

While I've much more to say, I'll only end up coming back into a circle, so I'd like to finish this way.

The world isn't going to fix your problems. You need to be able to find the people who are going to, and they're all around you.

Now if you excuse me, I need to go sniff some glue.

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